Curved treadmill Fit+
Drax - Treadmill
Running surface
164x43 cm
Maximum user weight
180 Kg
Size (lxwxh)
183x79x161 cm
130 kg
Listed price
2 785 945 FCFA in.VAT
2 360 970 FCFA ex.VAT
Buy your mechanical curved treadmill Drax Fit+ cheaper thanks to Wafsport
The design of this curved treadmill with higher front and rear rollers and lower center ensures that when the user steps larger, the speed increases, with smaller steps, the speed decreases, and when the user stands at the center the treadmill slows down and stops.
With Bluetooth communication (BLE4.0) and DRAX technology, you can display all kinds of exercise information on your smartphone. You can even manage the exercise with the IdO technology.
Our expert review on the mechanical curved treadmill Fit+ from the brand Drax
Unlike a conventional treadmill, this treadmill uses a thick, durable caterpillar with strips. There is no belt under the foot, so there is no risk of shock to the human body during the workout.
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